Fee-Only Advice

Fee-Only Service is Superior to Fee-Based or Commission-Based Service

Keeping costs to investors low, delivering sound advice, and developing a long term investment policy are the goals of the independent fee-only advisor. This keeps the investor on track to meet his or her goals at all times, and does not allow for whimsical changes to a portfolio based on short term market conditions. Commission-based brokers are limited to those investments which pay them commissions and or 12b-1 fees that come out of the overall expense ratio of the investment thereby increasing the fees to the investor. Also, do not be fooled by “fee-based” advisors: remember, they not only charge a fee, but also accept commissions and trailer fees!

We do not accept commissions, 12b-1 fees, or accept soft dollar arrangements from mutual funds. We charge a fee based on a percentage of your assets under our management.

A Breakdown:

Fee/Type Fees Comissions 12b-1
Fee Only Yes No No
Fee Based Yes Yes Yes
Commission No Yes Yes